Saturday, August 2, 2014

August Currently

August Currently

I'm linking up with Oh Boy 4th Grade for the August Currently!
Listening- August has gotten off to an exhausting start! My family is tired & still sleeping so my house is quiet. My daughter had her first cross country practice of the season yesterday. The team has been practicing all week, but she was as assistant teacher for the preschool class at Bible school so last night was her first practice. She's regretting not continuing to run all summer. :) My husband...well he'd sleep until noon if I let him. My son is awake but actually quiet, which is rare. So, I'm actually getting some quiet time to work on things this morning. Yeah me!

Loving- I am LOVING my new back to school Jamberry nails. I have a friend who sells them, but I just couldn't resist ordering these custom ones from another seller when I saw them. Aren't they adorable?
 Thinking- This summer just stunk! I had thyroid cancer last fall & had my thyroid removed. It has completely changed my life...and not in a good way. I've gained 30 pounds, my hormones are all over the place, and I'm just plain exhausted. I spent all summer running from doctor to doctor. On top of that a student tripped me at the end of the school year causing me to tear a tendon on the side of my foot. This meant a month in a boot. (I'm still supposed to be wearing the boot, but I can't stand it!) 3 days a week of physical therapy, a brace daily, and not able to take my morning walks with my dog around the park. So I've had a few pity parties for myself this summer, but have decided that I'm not going to allow this to control my life any longer! I'm going to control what I healthy, listen to my meditation apps on my phone regularly, and keep a positive attitude. To "celebrate" the first day of school yesterday, I reserved us a condo in Panama City for fall break & put the check in the mail after school. So excited!!

Wanting- I'm wanting to take the kids to the pool today & just sit and relax.

Needing- I'm needing to take my daughter to buy new running shoes, but the closest running shoe store is an hour away. I need to also pick up a few odds & ends for my classroom & open house. I NEED to buy Pop Rocks & keep forgetting. We're having a music theme this year & I wanted to attach a label to the pop rocks saying, "3rd grade is going to rock!"

Our first teacher day was August 1st! This year was especially stressful because we weren't allowed into our building to work until July 28th. Then yesterday the building closed at 4 for them to wax the floors & we aren't allowed back in until Monday, which is also open house after a day of meetings. I honestly just don't think administration & people who aren't elementary teachers truly understand what it takes to get a classroom ready. It's not something that can be done in only days. It's weeks & HOURS! They always tell us that it doesn't matter if our rooms aren't done for open house, does matter. For some of our parents it's their first time in our building, for others it might be the only time in our classroom. First impressions matter. On top of that, if we don't have it done once the kids walk in the door, when will we do it? In our spare time while the kids are at lunch or specials while we have a ton of mounting paperwork that needs our attention?  Not to mention the time we need to plan for the first week of school & make copies. Oh my! It just stresses me out thinking about it. But, I will get it done & I will have a positive attitude about it! That's my new motto. 
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  1. Man you have had a summer! I was stuck in a boot two summers ago and know it is not any fun. Glad to see things are getting better for you. And a vacation yeah!! Good luck with getting everything prepared. I think the same thing about the room being ready for open house. It starts the tone for the whole year!

    Apples and Papers

    1. Thanks Jessica! I hope you have a great school year!

  2. First of all, I love the name of your blog! I'm now following you!! And second of all-- I LOVE your nails!! OMG-- I haven't tried Jamberry yet, but I keep hearing about it. I may need to check it out! Have a great school year!

    1. Thank you Becky! I was worried people would think I didn't know how to spell "layman's terms", but I just couldn't resist. My friend sent me a sample of Jamberry & once I tried it, I loved it. There is a bit of trial & error figuring out how to apply them. Once I realized you had file straight down at the tip to get the ends off & for it to seal then it was a piece of cake. I can do both hands in less than 10 min.

  3. Hi Jennifer, I found your blog on the link up party on Oh' Boy 4th Grade. Wow, you started school already. We have a week still to go. I also have to get my daughter some new athletic shoes. :) Enjoy the pool and this weekend. Wishing you all the best!

  4. I bought those wraps, too! I can't wait to put them on!!
    Thriving in 3rd
    L. Paull Designs for All
